As no client and no business problem are alike, the Propeller services are tailor-made to suit individual situation and needs.
Digital and AI Strategy
We discover the opportunities, create business cases and deliver the impact. I meet you where you are on your level of digital and AI maturity and I help you propel fast. Within a few weeks you will know exactly what and how needs to be done, having all the stakeholders onboard.
Customer Engagement
Delivering excellent service to your customers is the single-truth of every endeavour. Together we will discover and create campaigns and services that will delight your customers – and your business results.
Operational Setup and Transformation
Every technology change needs a new operating model. I will help you find and implement the perfect setup for your people and your teams to work together to deliver excellent results.
Key Notes
I have delivered over 100 talks on digitalization, artificial intelligence, technology and transformation and female empowerment around Europe. My talks are suitable for live or hybrid setup and can be delivered in English, German and Bosnian-Serbian-Croatian.
Panel Discussions
I have delivered over 100 talks on digitalization, artificial intelligence, technology and transformation and female empowerment around Europe. My talks are suitable for live or hybrid setup and can be delivered in English, German and Bosnian-Serbian-Croatian.
Weekly Podcast on AI
"AI Melange - mit Ana und Jakob" is a German-speaking weekly podcast on AI, business and tech. In cooperation with Trending Topics, we deliever this podcast weekly through all platforms.
Workshop moderation where everyone feels heard, included and empowered to create amazing solutions.
Workshops moderation where people come in with different perspectives and leave aligned on common vision and goals.
Panel Moderations
Moderation of public panel discussions for events, TV or private setting.
Languages: German, English, Bosnian-Serbian-Croatian